culinary review

Porcini Mushrooms

Last Modified: 02/16/11
First Published: 01/06/08
Views: 747
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Views: 747
porcini mushrooms
Ingredient Information

Porcini Mushrooms
Price: $0.81
Calories: 25.00

Porcini Mushrooms

Porchinis have a meaty texture, interesting flavor and unique shape. Usually expensive but one of the finest tasting.

Versatile either raw or cooked whole, sliced or chopped. A serving size is about one-half cup.

Also found dried "Dried mushrooms are intensely concentrated in flavor and should be treated more like a seasoning than a vegetable. You'll need to soak the dried mushrooms in hot water for 20-30 minutes, rinse, then chop, and use. Saving the soaking water and adding it to your sauces or soups will intensify the mushroom flavor" according to the CDC website.

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