culinary review

Smooth Roasted Cauliflower & Garlic Soup

Last Modified: 06/05/10
First Published: 06/05/10
Views: 833
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Views: 833
This smooth roasted cauliflower and garlic soup with potatoes to fill it out a bit is quite delicious and tasty. Cauliflower tends to get a bit bland if you simply boil it, however if you roast it in the oven, then the flavors become much more interesting and intensified. And while you're roasting the cauliflower, why not add plenty of garlic cloves to the pan as well - after all garlic becomes so mild and mellow when it's roasting, and the oven is already going.

We prefer this soup pretty smooth, however of course you can leave it a bit chunky if you prefer that.

4-6 servings


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 1 head of garlic
  • olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 3 stalks of celery, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon thyme
  • 4 large potatoes, peeled and chopped
  • ¼ cup dry vermouth
  • 6 cups of vegetable stock
  • ½ cup sour cream

Break up the cauliflower and the garlic cloves (leave the peel on the garlic). Place on a sheet pan, drizzle over some olive oil, add some salt and roast in a 375 degree oven for about 30 minutes, or until soft and slightly browned.

Meanwhile, in a big pot, melt the butter and saute the onion, celery and dried thyme until soft for about 10 minutes. Add the the potatoes and they vermouth. Let simmer away for a minute, then add the vegetable stock. Bring up to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are soft, about 20 minutes.

At this point, add the roasted cauliflower from the oven to the soup and peel the garlic cloves. Add the garlic as well. Blend everything with a stick blender in the pot until smooth. At this point, bring it to a very low simmer, add the sour cream, stir until it's dissolved and taste with salt and pepper.