The Kitchen Review

Mauviel 1 3/4 Copper Saucepan with Lid

Last Modified: 01/27/09
First Published: 11/14/07
Views: 906
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Views: 906

Brand & Type: Mauviel Copper 1 3/4 Quart Heavy-Gauge Saucepan with Lid, sold at Williams-Sonomacopper_saucepan

Price range: High, around $220

Rating: High

Description: Mauviel Copper 1 3/4 Quart Heavy-Gauge Saucepan, lined with stainless steel, brass handles. Comes with a tight fitting copper lid.

Pros: This is a beautiful, heat sensitive pot. Nice size and shape perfect for sauces and stews. We like how this pot is lined with non-reactive stainless steel and not tin which needs to be re-lined after some time.

Cons: The price.

Conclusion: Very nice, heavy duty useful pot, perfect for a variety of tasks in the kitchen. It's a pleasure to cook with copper due to its superior ability to conduct heat. This sauce pan is of a perfect size and shape for many uses.