culinary review

How To Make Soup (General Step Process)

Last Modified: 08/07/10
First Published: 10/23/07
Views: 18330
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Views: 18330

Most soups are constructed in similar ways using the same technique. Once you’ve mastered this step process, it’s easy to experiment and try different kinds of soup.


Saute_meat1. If your soup/stew contains meat, then start with sautéing the meat with some fat in your pan. Once the meat has browned, remove it from the pan and continue to step 2 (otherwise just ignore this step).
Saute_mirepoix 2. Sautee finely diced onions, carrots and celery (mirepoix) in butter or oil with a little bit of salt until soft on medium heat. Take your time with this step, don’t rush it . Give your mirepoix at least 10 to 15 minutes in order for the vegetables to release their liquids.
garlic3. At this point, add finely chopped or pressed garlic, if you so wish. It’s better to add your garlic like this at a later point in order to preserve more of its flavor and make sure it doesn’t burn.
vegetables4. Add whatever other ingredients your soup requires (such as browned meat or vegetables) and continue to sautee. If you are adding dried herbs or spices, then go ahead and add that as well.
flour5. If your soup requires a thickening agent, then this would be a good time to sprinkle some flour on top of your vegetables/meat mixture. For every tablespoon of fat you already added, add an equivalent 1 tablespoon of flour. Sautee for a few minutes.
wine6. Now it’s time to de-glaze your pan before adding the rest of your liquid. We prefer either wine, vermouth, brandy or something similar. Add a couple of tablespoons and continue to stir at the bottom to scrape up any browned bits.
soup7. Add your liquid to your pot such as broth/water + bullion cubes or canned tomatoes (if your recipe requires some cream we prefer to add that later). If you are planning to blend your soup, it might be a good idea to be slightly conservative with the amount of liquid you add. Remember, it’s always easier to add additional liquid then it is to take away. Let your soup simmer long enough to soften all the ingredients.
blended_soup8. When your soup is basically done, it would be time to blend it if you so choose. This would also be a good time to check your liquid ratio and possibly add some more broth or add some cream. Any last minute flavorings such as a splash of balsamic vinegar, or the juice of a lemon/orange as well as the zest of any citrus would be added now as well. Taste your soup and see if it needs any additional flavorings or spices and adjust according to taste.